Double Blind

curated by Thomas Cuckle

with Douglas Allsop, Adam Bainbridge, Ross Chisholm, Joe Clark and Anna M. R. Freeman

4 Windmill Street, London W1T 2HZ

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Adam Bainbridge
It All Happened In A Moment, 2009
pencil on paper
70 x 75 cm

Joe Clark
Asset Management #6 (anti atlas), 2012
HD video
9 mins 36 seconds looped
Courtesy Workplace Gallery

Ross Chisholm
cat reverb
, 2010
oil on linen, diptych
each 33 x 25 cm
Courtesy Ibid Projects, London

Joe Clark
Shallow Pool
, 2012
Fujiflex C-type prints, magnets
244 x 257 cm
Courtesy Workplace Gallery

Douglas Allsop
Reflective Editor ’21 single vertical slots, 31 single horizontal slots, parallel pattern, 2005′
, 2005
cast acrylic sheet, hardened steel pins, polyester tube
2 pieces: 108 x 72 x 0.3 cm

Anna M. R. Freeman
, 2011
oil on board
180 x 117 cm

Ross Chisholm
last dance
, 2011
oil on panels, 3 panels
24 x 18 cm each
Courtesy Ibid Projects

Adam Bainbridge
Noirs II
, 2013
pencil on paper
22 x 16 cm

Anna M. R. Freeman
oil on paper
various dimensions

Photography by Joe Clark

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