→ Exhibition 1 Jul – 9 Sept 2017
Published by Kunstraum, London (2017)
Editor: Thomas Cuckle
Text by: Thomas Cuckle, Jane Lewty. Brenda Guesnet
Design: Kristin Metho
Pages: 40 (8 colour)
“As the curator of Jennifer Tee’s Structures of Recollection and Perseverance, I feel an insistent urge to neatly tie up loose ends for the reader, to secure the narrative threads which connect the objects in the exhibition space with a wider discourse, to a network of meaning. The artist’s phrases ‘Let It Come Down’, and ‘Resist’ contain the keys, but they leave a lot to the imagination. Here the word ‘Resist’ may refer as much to a rubber plant’s system of survival as to political resistance against oppression.
The stories I would rather tell come from somewhere different, from my relationship to each object, the labours and intrigues of their discovery. I think it’s the way forward here. It accords with Kunstraum’s nature as a very personal and relational project and Jennifer’s acute relationship to the things she makes. The exhibition masquerades as an archival display but I don’t think it is one; it is light-hearted and ahistorical, things of very different provenance are given equal status here. Structures of Recollection and Perseverance is something else, something more human and so more fragile.”
– Thomas Cuckle
page 33
“An abstract object suddenly became a dynamic burst of colour, filling the exhibition space and flowing out into the street – a perfect illustration of how Jennifer Tee’s practice is capable of connecting diverse people, objects, and histories together, transforming each of them through their poetic interplay.”
– Brenda Guesnet
Seja marginal, seja herói
page 30
“What is wet sand in a solid piece?
How does it really feel? Is it a limb thickening?
Look at my legs thickening, and ask me to show you the wind. Advice being to resist
the illusion that anything is complete.
Resist the idea to draw tumour-like shapes, or a face.
That there can be sand without architects. Resist the flattery of those who have won.
Some know, some don’t, that I could have run away or got away with.
I didn’t stay long in the place I arrived, it was a kind of square one.
The books I read, they didn’t make me silent, even in the later storm. They felt true.
Alluding etc. Precarious, too direct. The resistance is plural.
To ourselves in secret but really elsewhere. How we all feel.”
– Jane Lewty
page 6